Logo HdDM


Your reservation
If you are interested, please fill out the following form. Solve the math problem to show that you are not a robot. When you submit the form, a copy will also be sent to your email address and you can also print your reservation. After receiving your reservation we will send you a confirmation.

Your reservation should be made as early as possible, but at least 14 days before the planned event.
Your HdDM Team


1. Premises

Date Time from to forday(s)
Seminar room VH-1 
Date Time from to forday(s)
Seminar room VH-2 
Date Time from to forday(s)
Seminar room R-1 
Date Time from to forday(s)
Foyer (for catering) 
Date forday(s)
Tea kitchen R.-Havemann-Hall 
Date forday(s)
Tea kitchen VH-1 
Date forday(s)

2. Technical equipment

Beamer 45 Euro/day day(s) Laptop 30 Euro/day day(s)

Technical introduction

We offer a technical introduction (beamer, laptop, Wlan...) from 75 Euro/day.

If you are interested, please call us for a personal consultation.

3. The event

public   not public  

Title of the planned event

Short description of the event

max. participating persons

4. Wishes, questions, info

If you would like to reserve rooms for several days, have requests or questions in general and in particular, please write this in the input field.

This reservation is not binding!



Non-profit status

Non-profit   Not non-profit  


ZIP CODE Ort Street + No.


Responsible employee

Contact person



Send reservation You are not a robot.
Please enter a number for X and Y from 1 to 99 and solve the problem you set yourself:
  •   plus  
  •   =  

sent on: 27. 07. 2024
from (E-Mail):
to (E-Mail): reservierung@hausderdemokratie.de